2003. 9. 1
Buffalo Springfield (4CD Box Set) / Buffalo Springfield
Buffalo Springfield (4CD Box Set)

Buffalo Springfield
Disk One
1.There Goes My Babe (Demo)1:43
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1966)
2.Come On (Demo)1:23
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1966)
3.Hello, I've Returned (Demo)1:34
(Stephen Stills/Van Dyke Parks) Previously Unreleased (1966)
4.Out Of My Mind (Demo)2:44
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1966)
5.Flying On The Ground Is Wrong (Demo)3:08
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1966)
6.I'm Your Kind Of Guy (Demo)1:05
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1966)
7.Baby Don't Scold Me (Demo)2:04
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1966)
8.Neighbor Don't You Worry (Demo)2:28
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1966)
9.We'll See (Demo)4:07
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1966)
10.Sad Memory (Demo)2:49
(Richie Furay) Previously Unreleased (1966)
11.Can't Keep Me Down (Demo)2:07
(Richie Furay) Previously Unreleased (1966)
12.Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing3:25
(Neil Young) Atco #200 (1966)
13.Go And Say Goodbye2:21
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
14.Sit Down I Think I Love You2:31
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
16.Hot Dusty Roads2:51
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
17.Everybody's Wrong2:24
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
(Neil Young) Atco #200 (1966)
19.Do I Have To Come Right Out And Say It3:02
(Neil Young) Atco #200 (1966)
20.Out Of My Mind3:05
(Neil Young) Atco #200 (1966)
21.Pay The Price2:37
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
22.Down Down Down (Demo)2:11
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1966)
23.Flying On The Ground Is Wrong2:40
(Neil Young) Atco #200 (1966)
24.Neighbor Don't You Worry (Remix)2:25
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1966)
Disk Two
1.Down Down Down (Remix)2:42
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1966)
2.Kahuna Sunset2:53
(Stephen Stills/Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1966)
3.Buffalo Stomp (Raga)3:51
(Richie Furay/Bruce Kunkel/Dewey Martin
/Stephen Stills/Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1966)
4.Baby Don't Scold Me3:24
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1966)
5.For What It's Worth2:39
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200A (1966)
6.Mr. Soul2:44
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1967)
7.We'll See2:43
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1967)
8.My Kind Of Love2:31
(Richie Furay) Previously Unreleased (1967)
9.Pretty Girl Why (Previously Unreleased Mix)2:26
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1967)
10.Words I Must Say (Demo)1:12
(Richie Furay) Previously Unreleased (1967)
11.Nobody's Fool (Demo)1:31
(Richie Furay) Previously Unreleased (1967)
12.So You've Got A Lover (Demo)3:06
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1967)
13.My Angel (Demo)3:48
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1967)
14.No Sun Today2:02
(Eric Eisner) Previously Unreleased (1967)
(Stephen Stills) Atco #226 (1967)
16.Down To The Wire2:25
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1967)
(Stephen Stills) Atco #226 (1967)
18.Expecting To Fly3:45
(Neil Young) Atco #226 (1967)
19.Hung Upside Down (Demo)4:26
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1967)
20.A Child's Claim To Fame2:10
(Richie Furay) Atco #226 (1967)
21.Rock & Roll Woman4:26
(Stephen Stills) Atco #226 (1967)
Disk Three
1.Hung Upside Down3:27
(Stephen Stills) Atco #226 (1967)
2.Good Time Boy2:15
(Richie Furay) Atco #226 (1967)
3.One More Sign (Demo)2:02
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1967)
4.The Rent Is Always Due (Demo)3:03
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1967)
5.Round And Round And Round (Demo)3:37
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1967)
6.Old Laughing Lady (Demo)3:37
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1967)
7.Broken Arrow2:40
(Neil Young) Atco #226 (1967)
8.Sad Memory3:01
(Richie Furay) Atco #226 (1967)
9.On The Way Home (Previously Unreleased Mix)2:27
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1967)
10.Whatever Happened To Saturday Night? (Remix)2:06
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1967)
11.Special Care3:32
(Stephen Stills) Atco #256 (1968)
12.Falcon Lake (Ash On The Floor) (Remix)4:12
(Neil Young) Previously Unreleased (1968)
13.What A Day2:05
(Richie Furay) Previously Unreleased (1968)
14.I Am A Child3:47
(Neil Young) Atco #256 (1968)
(Stephen Stills) Atco #256 (1968)
(Richie Furay) Atco #256 (1968)
17.Uno Mundo2:00
(Stephen Stills) Atco #256 (1968)
18.Kind Woman4:12
(Richie Furay) Atco #256 (1968)
19.It's So Hard To Wait2:05
(Richie Furay/Neil Young) Atco #256 (1968)
20.Four Days Gone (Demo)3:47
(Stephen Stills) Previously Unreleased (1968)
Disk Four
1.For What It's Worth2:39
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
2.Go And Say Goodbye2:21
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
3.Sit Down I Think I Love You2:32
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
4.Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing3:25
(Neil Young) Atco #200 (1966)
5.Hot Dusty Roads2:50
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
6.Everybody's Wrong2:24
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
7.Flying On The Ground Is Wrong2:40
(Neil Young) Atco #200 (1966)
(Neil Young) Atco #200 (1966)
9.Do I Have To Come Right Out And Say It3:02
(Neil Young) Atco #200 (1966)
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
11.Out Of My Mind3:05
(Neil Young) Atco #200 (1966)
12.Pay The Price2:36
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
13.Baby Don't Scold Me3:04
(Stephen Stills) Atco #200 (1966)
14.Mr. Soul2:49
(Neil Young) Atco #226 (1967)
15.Child's Claim To Fame2:10
(Richie Furay) Atco #226 (1967)
(Stephen Stills) Atco #226 (1967)
17.Expecting To Fly3:44
(Neil Young) Atco #226 (1967)
(Stephen Stills) Atco #226 (1967)
19.Hung Upside Down3:27
(Stephen Stills) Atco #226 (1967)
20.Sad Memory3:01
(Richie Furay) Atco #226 (1967)
21.Good Time Boy2:15
(Richie Furay) Atco #226 (1967)
22.Rock & Roll Woman2:46
(Stephen Stills) Atco #226 (1967)
23.Broken Arrow6:14
(Neil Young) Atco #226 (1967)
Atco SD2-806

「恐れ入りました!」とつい言ったしまいたくなるようなボリューム満点の4CD。 70年代からニール・ヤングのファンの方、あるいはCSN&Yのファンの方は待ちに待ったボックスセットだと聞きますが、 私にとってはこのボックスがキッカケでスティーヴン・スティルスとニール・ヤングが好きになったようなものです。
厳密にいうとこのボックスが発売される数年前に、ニール・ヤングのCDもCS&Nの2枚組CD『キャリー・オン』は持っていました。 バッファロー・スプリングフィールドまたはスティーヴン・スティルスにはあまり興味を持っていませんでした。 だいいち「クリーデンス・クリアウォーター・リバイバル(CCR)みたいに凄い大げさなバンド名だな」程度に思っていました。 このバンドの知っている曲も♪フォー・ファット・イッツ・ワースだけなのに、買うかどうしようか真剣に考えました。 しかし気が付いたらアマゾンのカート(ショッピング・バスケット)に、約1ヶ月ほど待機させていたのですがターッと勢いで買いました。
今でこそ「買って良かった♪」と言えるのですが、1曲しか知らないのにいきなり4枚組CDボックスセットを買うのは、当時の私にとっては非常に勇気のいる判断 でした。 プロフィールにも書きましたが、このボックスセットが発売されなかったら、バッファロー・スプリングフィールド、CS&N、CSN&Y、スティルスのソロ、ポコ、ニール・ヤングなど今のように買うことはなかったと思います。 ビートルズ(主にジョン・レノン)を中心に、音楽の趣味がグルグル回っていたのですが、このボックスを買ったのがキッカケでその輪から抜け出し、新しい輪に入りました。

HPの作成が一段落したら加筆致します。。 m(._.)m

Buffalo Springfield (4CD Box Set) / Buffalo Springfield 視聴ページ:Amazon.co.jp
