[ENGLISH] The original of this sentence is in http://www.theventures.com/ask/askb.htm. Read the original if you can read English.
I am poor at English. Therefore, the Japanese translationwhich made a mistake may be done. I want it to make contact to sesoko@ryukyu.ne.jp if it notices the reason why you mistook it.

貴方が間違いに気が付いたら、 sesoko@ryukyu.ne.jp まで連絡してください。

Questions and Answers - Bob Bogle, Bass and Lead Guitar

Q. Do you still own and play a Mosrite guitar?
A. No, I don't have a Mosrite and I haven't since we stopped our deal with Mosley in 1969.
1969年にSemie Mosleyとの関係を断ってから、Mosriteは持っていません。

Q. I heard that you sold even them from the stage?
A. No, we never sold them. What we did do quite often was, after a tour, we'd sell our set to some group or something to avoid being overweight and bringing them back through customs.

Q. When you are relaxing, what kind of music to you usually listen to?
A. I don't listen that much unless I'm on a long drive. Sometimes I just switch around the dial and listen to what's being played - oldies or country or whatever. I'll also sometimes put on a tape of a Japanese artist. We collect them when we are over there. We're fans of these artists just like we're fans of artists over here.

Q. What do you do when you are not playing music as a hobby or for relaxation?
A. I like downhill skiing. I haven't done much of that recently, though. I used to ski a lot.

Q. Who do you consider your musical influences?
A. I would say almost equally Duane Eddy, Les Paul, and Chet Atkins. I greatly admire all three of them.
Duane Eddy、Les PaulとChet Atkinsです。3人は神様です。

Q. What equipment do you use on stage and for recording?
A. Currently we're using almost all Fender stuff. When I'm playing lead I use a Jazzmaster guitar and when I'm playing bass I use a Jazzmaster bass. I use a rumble bass amp when playing bass, and for lead I use a Blues DeVille amp. Most of the time I use the same medium pick for either one.
最近VENTURESのメンバーは全員Fender製品を使っています。私はJazzmasterとJazzbaseを使っています。アンプはベースの時はRumbleでリードの時はBlues DeVilleを使っています。ピックはリードの時もベースの時も同じミディアムの硬さのピックを使っています。

Q. What songs do you most and least like to play?
A. I've got a favorite in Japan that we don't play over here. It's called Manchurian Beat. My favorite both places is Walk Don't Run. We don't play anything that we don't like.
アメリカでは演奏しませんが日本公演で良く演奏するManchurian Beatが好きです。Walk, Don't Runは共通して好きです。嫌いな曲は演奏しません。

Q. When you tour Japan, do you eat American food, Japanese food, or both?
A. Well, I usually eat an Americanized version of whatever I can find. Usually you can find stuff that's recognizable to us, especially in the restaurants we eat in. They have so many dishes that are similar to ours. I don't eat much red meat; I usually have fish. I enjoy spaghetti, and stir fry, and my favorite food is Sukiyaki.

Q.[From Matt Royale] I love the "New Ventures" album "Rocky Road". Was this your only voyage into the dark uncharted world of Disco?
私はRocky Roadのアルバムが好きなのですが、VENTURESとしては珍しいディスコ系のアルバムはこれだけですか?
A. I think so. I don't remember doing another disco album. I personally like disco, but that album was not our idea. At the time, Liberty had a producer, and it was his idea. We were not happy with that album. It was kind of taken out of our hands. It was kind of like a raspberry seed in your wisdom tooth.
ディスコ系のアルバムはこれだけです。個人的にはディスコサウンドが好きですが、このアルバムはVENTURESのアイディアではなく、Liberty Recordsのプロデューサのアイディアで制作しました。ですからVENTURESにとっては借り物みたいなものですし、歯に何か物がはさまっているような感じもします。

Q.[From Dennis D. Gudim] I was an original member of the Fendermen of "Mule Skinner Blues" fame. We did some shows with the Ventures in 1960. One show I remember was at the El Monte Legion Stadium. Do you remember that show?
A. I sure do. As I recall, they were a pretty good group.

Q. [From Kirk Lundstrum] Out of all the electric guitars you've used, which is your favorite, and why?
A. The Jazzmaster for a lot of reasons. For my personal taste I don't think you can beat the sound. My style was developed from the Jazzmaster. I first started on a Stratocaster but bought a Jazzmaster as soon as they came out. I like the Jazzmaster tremolo (whammy bar). I developed a way of playing with the tremolo arm in my hand. The bar is way back out of the way so it doesn't get in the way when you're not using it. As far as the Mosrite, it was a good guitar -- we wouldn't have endorsed it if it wasn't. We had some problems on the business end, though, so we dropped it.
Jazzmasterがとにかく一番です。個人的にはJazzmasterのサウンドに勝るものはないと思っています。私のプレイスタイルはJazzmasterでできあがりました。初めはStratocasterと使っていましたが、Jazzmasterが発売された時にすぐに買いました。Jazzmasaterのトレモロ(whammy bar)が気に入っていて、トレモロバーを持ちながら演奏するスタイルを作りました。トレモロバーは使わない時は邪魔にならないように後ろに回せるのです。Mosriteは良いギターですが供給されたから使っただけです。ビジネス上でのトラブルがありそれ以来使っていません。

Q. Do you prefer playing bass or guitar, and why?
A. I think my preference is bass, because its a lot easier for me to play. I learned to play all by myself, so I really don't let other players influence my style.

Q.[From BJ Akers] Of all the Ventures albums, which is your personal favorite, and why?
A. My personal favorite is the Joy album. Most classical music I'm not really into, but if you take some of those classical melodies and put drums and bass to them, they're pretty good. It all started with Joy itself. That song started some chart action, so we went into record stores and bought all sorts of classical albums looking for tunes we could adapt to an album. In a lot of cases we had to write the bridge ourselves.

Q. I'm a resident of a town near Wagoner, Oklahoma where you were born. Do you recall your early childhood there? Musical influences?
A. Well, back then of course there were no TV's so we listened to the radio. Most of the music at that time in that area was western music. I listened to the Grand Old Opry quite a bit. By the time I had gotten into my early teens in Washington, I was into all that top 40 stuff.
記憶を呼び起こしてみると、そのころはテレビが無くてラジオを聞いていました。よくGrand Old Opryを聞いていました。そしてWashingtonにいた10代初め頃にはトップ40を聞いていました。

Q. How do you get such a deep reverb sound? Do you use a Fender reverb unit?
A. I just use the reverb off the amp. I add a little bass to it. I use a lot of treble on the guitar and on the amp, and I add a little bass on the amp. I go about half way up on the reverb. It's really very simple. Not much gimmick at all.
(※原文は off になっているが、そのままだと「リバーブをオフにしている」となる。of のタイプミスと判断した)

Q. You must know the name RJ & the Riots. Do you still keep in touch with RJ?
BobさんはRJ & the Riotsという名前をご存知だと思いますが、RJとはまだコンタクトをとっていますか?
A.Yeah, I talk to him every now and again. He's a presidential advisor in the Phillipines. He was from a very wealthy and influential family. When we went to the Phillipines in 1962 to do a tour (it was just Don and I in those days), we used his bass player and drummer. RJ played lead, so he never played with us, but we became very good friends and we've kept the friendship going.

Q. Was there ever a time in your career where you just thought that you weren't getting anywhere. For example, when disco or psychedelia came in, did you feel that you were finished in the music business?
A. We pretty much just kept going. I don't remember any real tough period that comes to mind.