[ENGLISH] The original of this sentence is in http://www.theventures.com/ask/askd.htm. Read the original if you can read English.
I am poor at English. Therefore, the Japanese translationwhich made a mistake may be done. I want it to make contact to sesoko@ryukyu.ne.jp if it notices the reason why you mistook it.

貴方が間違いに気が付いたら、 sesoko@ryukyu.ne.jp まで連絡してください。

Questions and Answers - Don Wilson, Rhythm Guitar

Q. Do you still own and play a Mosrite guitar?
A. Yes, I have an '89 that Semie made personally for me. It's inlaid with my name. I guess I have one or two others, but I don't play them much any more. I prefer the Jazzmaster.
1989年にSemie Mosleyが個人的に私のために作ってくれたMosriteを持っています。このギターには、私の名前が入っています。Mosriteはこの他にも1、2本持っているはずですが、もう弾きません。私はJazzmasterの方が気に入っています。

Q. It is true that you played lead Fire Extinguisher on Telstar?

A. Yes, that's an absolutely true story. We were looking for something to create that lead-in sound and one of the engineers suggested a fire extinguisher. I just took it off the wall and let it go and we recorded it.

Q. When you are relaxing, what kind of music to you usually listen to?
A. Believe it or not, I like opera a lot. I also listen to wide range of music, country or rock, but when I'm driving, I usually listen to the news channel or talk radio.

Q. [From Steve Signorile] What gauge strings do you use on your Jazzmaster? What equipment do you use on stage and for recording?

A. I play a Jazzmaster guitar both on stage and for recording. I use 11 to 50 gauge strings. I have an Ampeg top and I use a Boogie bottom. In Japan, I use a digital pedal effect for reverb -- at the moment I can't remember the name of it -- but it works pretty well.

Q. What were your musical influences when you were starting out?

A.Well I really liked big band music. As a matter of fact, I played the trombone from junior high school right through the army -- I played in the regimental band. That's why I liked Tommy Dorsey -- he really influenced me. As far as rock goes, Duane Eddy was a big influence and I listened to country a lot.
私はビッグバンド系が好きでした。実際に中学から軍隊の時代にトロンボーンを吹いていました。(軍隊ではバンドで活動していました。)それで私はTommy Dorseyが好きで、彼の影響を受けました。ロック系ではDuane Eddyの影響を強く受けましたし、カントリー系の音楽もたくさん聞きました。

Q. I know in your concerts you sing a song or two. I forgot to ask Bob if he ever sang.
A.No, not really. I used to do most of the singing. He might have sung a song a couple of times in Japan.

Q. Lets run through a few guitarists for your opinion on them. Jimi Hendrix?
Jimi Hendrixについてどう思いますか?
A.Oh, he was a great guitarist, absolutely incredible.

Q. Eric Clapton?
Eric Claptonは?
A.He's really good...I really like his bluesy style.

Q.Harvey Mandel?
Harvey Mandel?は?
A.Harvey Mandel is one of the best guitar players, I think, around. He's really unheralded. You know he played on one of our albums -- Rock and Roll Forever, and did an amazing job.
彼も素晴らしいギタープレイヤーの一人だと思います。彼は余り知られていませんが、Rock and Roll Foreverのアルバムで演奏したのをご存知の方もいると思います。このアルバムで彼は素晴らしい演奏をしています。

Q.Have you ever had problems with tintinitus (hearing loss due to exposure to loud noise)? Do you wear earplugs?
A.No, I never have. I don't think it has affected my that much. Of course, we don't play all that loud.

Q.When you tour Japan, do you eat Japanese food, or try to find American food?
A.I love Japanese food. I'm fortunate that I like raw fish -- Sashimi, I like that very much. I have sushi and ramen and they have what they call chow hon which is a rice dish, mixed with meats, and that's wonderful, too.

Q.You've written a lot of songs, but when you tour the US, you play mostly covers. Why is that?
A.They're more familiar to the audience, and they like to hear familiar things. If we did play something they're not familiar with it would probably be something from a new CD.

Q.What do you think your next CD will consist of ?
A.Our next album to be released will be Wild Again II. Its about 99 percent certain that it will be released on GNP Crescendo. They want us to record a couple of new tracks to add to it. That album is more in the range of surfing stuff. On the Wild Again albums we tried to get back to what we started doing -- what people really liked about us.
次のアルバムはWild Again IIです。このアルバムは間もなくGNP Crescendoからリリースされます。ファンはこのCDに新曲をカップリングすることを願っています。それで、このアルバムにはサーフィン系の曲を多く取り入れようと考えています。ちなみにWild Againではリクエストが多かった(ベンチャーズが)過去に取り上げなかった曲を多く入れました。

Q.How do you make those great sounds on songs like Pipeline? It sounds like you're flailing away, but it looks like you're only hitting one string.
DonさんはどうやってPIPE LINEであの素晴らしい音を出すのですか?テケテケでは1本の弦だけを弾いているようなのですが凄い迫力です
A.Yeah, I'm just hitting the one string -- the low "E" string. Its an acquired thing. I've done it for so many years I better have it down by now.

Q.Why are you known as a strictly instrumental group?
VENTURESはなぜInstrumental Groupと言われるようになったのですか?

A.When we started out, I did a lot of singing, and we didn't know whether we were going to be an instrumental or vocal group. When we started playing Walk, Don't Run, people started asking, "When are you going to record that song?". After we did record it, we recorded a few instrumental albums because that was an instrumental hit. At one point we were considering putting a few vocal cuts on an album, but the president of Liberty Records said, "No, don't do it. You are an instrumental group now -- it's what people know you as."
初期のVENTURESはボーカル曲も演奏していましたが、その頃はInstrumentalで行くかボーカルで行くかまだ分かりませんでした。Walk Don't Runを演奏し始めた頃、良くいつレコードを出すのかと聞かれましたが、そのWalk Don't Runのアルバムを出した後にもInstrumentalのヒット曲が入ったアルバムを出しました。実はこの時点でボーカル曲を何曲か入れることを考えていましたが、Liberty Recordsの社長から「ボーカル曲は入れてはいけない。VENTURESは今やInstrumental Groupなんだ。ファンもVENTURESはInstrumental Groupだと言っているんだ。」と言われ(そうなっ)たのです。

Q.Speaking of vocals, do you think that your position is secure in the pantheon of Rock History, if for no other reason than that you are the author of "The Twomp".
DonさんはThe Twompの作者である訳ですが、ロック歌手としても歴史上確固たる地位を築いていると思っていますか?
A.(Laughs) Our fan club in Japan just loves that song and wanted me to do it, so I did. Its kind of corny but it was fun at the time. I don't think that I'm in the position for it to come back and haunt me.

Q.[From Paul Hippensteel] Did keyboardist Mike Melvoin play on a lot of sessions?.
キーボードプレイヤーのMike Melvoinとはよく共演しましたか?
A.Yeah, he played on a lot of them. You know that we had Leon Russel, John Durill, Pete Vincent, and Sandy Lee. Evelyn Freeman, Ernie Freeman's sister, played with us in the early years. She fit in really good. She kind of played our style. A lot of musicians played with us through the years -- Glen Campbell, David Gates.....
彼とは何度も共演しました。Leon Russel、John Durill、Pete VincentやSandy Leeなどとセッションを組んだこともご存知だと思います。初期にはErnie Freemanの姉妹のEvelyn Freemanともプレイしました。彼女とは呼吸もピッタリでしたし、VENTURESと演奏スタイルもあっていました。その他にもGlen CampbellやDavid Gatesなど多くのプレイヤーと共演しました。

Q.Are there studio logs that someone could dig through to find out who played on what?
A.There must be. That would be quite a project.

Q.[From Mark Oatway] What kind of keyboard did you use on Walk, Don't Run '64 and Perfidia?
Walk Don't Run '64やPerfidiaでは、どんなキーボードを使いましたか?
A.That wasn't a keyboard. That was saxaphone played by Steve Douglas through a Leslie speaker -- at least on WDR '64 and Slaughter on 10th Avenue.
あれはキーボードではありません。Walk Don't Run '64とSlaughter on 10 th AVENUEの音は、Steve Douglasが演奏するサックスをLeslieのスピーカーを通して出した音なのです。