the Ventures respond to your questions(JAPANESE)


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Questions and Answers - The Ventures

Q. Do you still own and play a Mosrite guitar?

A. [Bob] No, I don't have a Mosrite and I haven't since we stopped our deal with Mosley in 1969.
1969年にSemie Mosleyとの関係を断ってから、Mosriteは持っていません。

A.[Don] Yes, I have an '89 that Semie made personally for me. It's inlaid with my name. I guess I have one or two others, but I don't play them much any more. I prefer the Jazzmaster.
1989年にSemie Mosleyが個人的に私のために作ってくれたMosriteを持っています。このギターには、私の名前が入っています。Mosriteはこの他にも1、2本持っているはずですが、もう弾きません。私はJazzmasterの方が気に入っています。

Q. I heard that you sold even them from the stage?

A. [Bob] No, we never sold them. What we did do quite often was, after a tour, we'd sell our set to some group or something to avoid being overweight and bringing them back through customs.

Q. You've written a lot of songs yourselves. Why do you usually play all covers in concert?

A. [Bob] We play what we feel the audience wants to hear. Real early in our career, we had a producer named Bob Reisdorf, who was very knowledgeable about the music business, and he told us to never let an original song be a deciding factor on what you're going to do. We try to pick the best of what we have for the audience.

A.[Don] They're more familiar to the audience, and they like to hear familiar things. If we did play something they're not familiar with it would probably be something from a new CD.

Q. [From Richard Wilson] Is there a vision to keep the Ventures continuing into the next century...?

A. [Bob] I guess the best answer I can give on that is we have no aspirations of retiring for many reasons. We wouldn't have anything to do, and we love what we're doing, and this is all we've done since we recorded Walk Don't Run. We have a lot of fun doing it, we're all friends, and there's no friction within the group, so we're all going to do this as long as we're physically able.

Q. [From Bob Middleton] Have you guys ever been to Australia for a concert?

A. [Bob] Yeah, we were down there in '61. It was a package tour with us, Donnie Brooks, Bobby Vee, Johnny Burnette and Connie Francis.

Q. Would you ever do an acoustic set in concert?

A. [Bob] We do that in Japan, but not in America. In Japan, its just us, no backing band, so for the last 3 or 4 years we've opened up the second set with some acoustic songs.

Q. [From Scott Chrane]When you formed the group back in 1960, did you ever imagine that you'd still be playing in 1998?

A. [Bob] I didn't think that we'd be together this long because someone once told us when we first started that the life of most recording artists is about 5 years, after that you go back to truck driving.

A.[Gerry] Gosh, no, its a phenomenon. I thought everyone would have retired by now. Look, my father played all his life, right up to when he was 96. Who knows how long we'll keep on.

Q. I was watching the late, late show in years past and an episode from the original "Biography" series from the late 50's/early 60's featured the Ventures playing on stage. Please verify this if you can.

A. [Bob] No, I don't know anything about that. There was a TV show that we were regulars on, at least for a short time. Some surfing show in Hollywood, but I can't remember the name. I think we were on there 3 or 4 times, but our music was used regularly.

Q. [From Augie Rodriguez] Was there ever a song that everyone was happy with, but for some reason never made it to record?

A. [Bob] No, but there was a record that was never released called "Popcorn" that I really liked, but I don't really know if that was ever released.

Q. [From Doug] Are there any plans to release a new Christmas album?

A. [Bob] I'd like to release another one sometime, but there's no plans to do so.

Q. [From Al James] Are there any plans to record a new album this year?

A. [Bob] No, the only thing Toshiba is putting out this year is our live show, on video and cd. I don't know exactly why, but I think that they're trying to economize over there. Are albums are pretty high budgeted albums.

A.[Don] Our next album to be released will be Wild Again II. Its about 99 percent certain that it will be released on GNP Crescendo. They want us to record a couple of new tracks to add to it. That album is more in the range of surfing stuff. On the Wild Again albums we tried to get back to what we started doing -- what people really liked about us.
次のアルバムはWild Again IIです。このアルバムは間もなくGNP Crescendoからリリースされます。ファンはこのCDに新曲をカップリングすることを願っています。それで、このアルバムにはサーフィン系の曲を多く取り入れようと考えています。ちなみにWild Againではリクエストが多かった(ベンチャーズが)過去に取り上げなかった曲を多く入れました。

Q. [From Eddy Bass] I purchased one of the Limited edition Jazzmasters. What input did the Ventures have in the design?

A. [Bob] They asked us for our input on the specifications and tried to get us what we wanted. Don and I use the Jazzmaster guitar. There was a button for switching pickups way up high on the body, which we didn't like and never used, so they removed it. We moved the volume and tone controls down and away a little from the strings. Don and I play more aggressively than most musicians, and we kept hitting those buttons inadvertently. The bass is pretty much a stock Jazzmaster bass.

Q. Are there any plans in the near future to record and release in the US a CD with Nokie Edwards as a guest artist? I would really enjoy hearing Bob, Gerry, and Nokie lending their respective lead guitar skills to an album.

A. [Bob] Well, we don't have any plans for that, but I think its a good idea, myself. I think an album with Gerry and Nokie both playing together would be a good idea, too..

Q. [From W R Long II] Musically, who inspires each one of you the most?

A. [Bob] I would say any good guitar player, and there are quite a number of them. Especially people like Albert Lee and Eric Clapton and even BB King, it doesn't have to be rock 'n' roll.

Q. Speaking of guitarists, what did you think of Jimi Hendrix?
Jimi Hendrixについてどう思いますか?

A. [Bob] He was pretty far removed from what we were doing. I respected him as an artist and thought he was good, but we were too busy doing our own thing to try to copy his style.

A.[Don] Oh, he was a great guitarist, absolutely incredible.

A. [Gerry] He was really a great guitar player. He covered it up with a lot of sound effects that didn't really give him a chance to showcase his talent.

Q. Link Wray?

A. [Bob] Oh, he's great. We really liked him.

Q. Dick Dale?

A. [Bob] Yeah, he's good..very good at what he does. I don't think anyone can do his type of thing better than he can.

Q. Lonnie Mack?

A. [Bob] Lonnie Mack is one of the all-time greats..

Q. Frank Zappa?

A. [Bob] I never really did personally get into him. I'm not too familiar with his music...

A.[Gerry] Bizarre. He was very talented musically, but way out there somewhere.

Q. Are you planning anything for the 40th anniversary of the band?

A. [Bob] There's nothing planned.... that would be the year 200, wouldn't it? I imagine that its time to start thinking about that, though.

Q. [from Marty Tippens] How did you manage to juggle four or five albums a year while touring?

A. [Bob] Well, it was a lot of hard work. As soon as we came off the road we'd go into the studio. We had a lot of encouragement from Liberty and Dolton to record as much as we did. It didn't take us very long to cut an album because of our format - taking at least six current vocal hits per album. We realized that a big part of our buying public was young musicians learning how to play and this helped them learn the songs, and it gave us title strength, so it really worked out good.

Q. [From Richard Chin] I am confused as to the band's second hit single. Most sources list Perfidia but one book says "(Ghost) riders in the sky". Who's right?

A. [Bob] Perfidia was our second single, then Lullaby of the Leaves. The biggest album we ever did was Telstar/The Lonely Bull.

Q. What processing was used on the lead guitar work on Rock and Roll Forever ?
Rock and Roll Foreverでリードギターを担当したのはだれですか?

A.[Bob] That was Harvey Mandel. He played through an echoplex (a tape echo), and then he went out of the echoplex and into a compressor and then into his amp, and we miked the amp. That really was just a velvet sound.

A.[Don] Harvey Mandel is one of the best guitar players, I think, around. He's really unheralded. You know he played on one of our albums -- Rock and Roll Forever, and did an amazing job.
彼は素晴らしいギタープレイヤーの一人だと思います。彼は余り知られていませんが、Rock and Roll Foreverのアルバムで演奏したのをご存知の方もいると思います。このアルバムで彼は素晴らしい演奏をしています。

Q. I know that there is a book out about you in Japanese. Are there any that are written in English?

A. [Bob] Not that I know of. There are plenty of books that mention us. I started to write a book once. I had about 50 pages written when I started having problems keeping things in chronological order. I didn't want to put out a book where people could prove me wrong.